Product Description
The product is not a shower gel, but is a very light cleansing product, with an anti-itch formula on the skin, control dandruff and reduce hair loss. The product contains Alpha Hydroxys, penetrates the lowest layers of the skin (skin horn layer), and "cleanses" the pores, vitamins and Omega-3 fatty acids that nourish the skin and healthy hair.
Special treatment of common skin problems: seborrhoea, peeling, Eczema, red spot, dandruff, skin problems caused by biting fleas, reducing hair loss, and deodorizing skin.
How to use:
- Bathe pet with any OxyMed shampoo.
- Rinse and dry.
- Rub a special amount of this product onto the entire body of the pet, massage evenly into the inside of the hair, keep on the hair for about 3 minutes or more. - Rinse with clean water and dry. Repeat again if needed.
Ingredients - Water, Oatmeal, Beta Hydroxy Salicylic acid, Vitamin B5, Vitamin E, wheat hydrolyzed wheat, Alpha-Hydroxy Malic Acid, Omega-3 and 6, Vitamin A fatty acids.